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This post is part of my Today I learned series in which I share all my web development learnings.

Sometimes when debugging node scripts via console.log you'll run into the situation, that console.log won't show you the complete object you want to inspect.

console.log( { foo: { bar: { baz: { foo: 'Show me!' } } } } );
// { foo: { bar: { baz: [Object] } } }

The solution to this problem is to use util.inspect which also includes the option to color the output.

console.log( util.inspect( { foo: { bar: { baz: { foo: 'Show me!' } } } }, { depth: null, colors: true } );
// { foo: { bar: { baz: { foo: 'Show me!' } } } }

Frederic Hemberger just told me that console.dir uses util.inspect under the hood, which means we can make it even shorter! 🎉

console.dir( { foo: { bar: { baz: { foo: 'Show me!' } } } }, { depth: null, colors: true } );
// { foo: { bar: { baz: { foo: 'Show me!' } } } }
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About Stefan Judis

Frontend nerd with over ten years of experience, freelance dev, "Today I Learned" blogger, conference speaker, and Open Source maintainer.

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