Conditional properties with object spread
Written by Stefan Judis
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- 1min
This post is part of my Today I learned series in which I share all my web development learnings.
Kris Urbas shared a really neat trick to deal with conditional object properties using the object spread operator (currently at proposal stage 3).
const shouldAddProp2 = false;
const obj = {
prop1: 2,
...shouldAddProp2 && { conditionalProp2: 2 }
// it's like
// Object.assign( obj, ( shouldAddProp2 && { conditionalProp2 : 2 } ) );
console.log( obj );
Today this snippet is still hard to read for me, so I have to figure out if I should use this in the future, but it's a neat trick for sure. You can play around with it in the Babel repl.
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