Show some love
Things you can do to support me
I spent a lot of time tweeting, writing and recording content for Frontend developers. It's a lot of fun, but if you want to support me somehow, here's how.
- Support me on Patreon. Join 14 supporters to help me cover the costs for my Web Weekly Newsletter.
- Share my work on Twitter or Social Media. Every shout-out helps me keep going.
- Subscribe to my newsletter: Web Weekly. Every reader makes me happy and I'm already stoked that 5754 people are reading along.
- Send me a good old email at Let me know what you're up to. Share things you're working on. Let me know how I can help you.
- Or just send me a funny dog video for my 404 page.
Feel free to show some love in any other way possible. I really do appreciate it and treasure every bit of encouragement that comes my way. ๐