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The Web Weekly newsletter keeps you up to date, teaches you web development tricks and covers all things working in tech.

Welcome to Web Weekly #16!

Hello friends! I just came back from a 40km bike ride to visit a friend who lives at Müggelsee, Berlin. It's such a lovely area! There are places in Berlin that feel like vacation, and that's one of them.

It was a perfect Sunday. I hope you had a great weekend yourself!

This week's Web Weekly includes...

  • challenges of programming language design
  • tips to make your language more inclusive
  • a CSS property to style checkboxes and radio buttons

... and, as always, GitHub repositories, a new Tiny Helper and some music.

Ready? Steady. Go!

Should there be another HTTP method?

Enter HTTP search – A proposed new HTTP method that's intended to solve this problem.

Living in a RESTful world, I regularly use the HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. There are more methods (OPTIONS anyone?), but should there be a new one – SEARCH? Tim Perry goes into HTTP details and explains the SEARCH method proposal.

Learn about SEARCH

"Hidden" JavaScript console methods in Chrome/Firefox

Chrome JavaScript console showing the usage of monitorEvents

Last week I learned about the monitorEvents method. It's available in Chrome's DevTool JavaScript console and offers a handy way to get information on an element's triggered JavaScript events. This discovery encouraged me to look at what's available in Chrome's and Firefox' JavaScript console.

Chrome's console methods Firefox' console methods

How an accidental imagemagick discovery led to

Speaker Deck started as a happy accident. I mucked up a command line call to imagemagick and passed in the path to a PDF instead of an image. To my surprise, an image was returned.

John Nunemaker shared his story of building and selling to GitHub to later buy it back and then sell it again. 🤯 It's a fascinating read on building products with many learnings and advice.

Read John' story

The challenge of designing a programming language

Incomplete list of mistakes in the design of CSS

Designing a programming language is hard! And it's particularly tough when the language is used on the web because then things are there to stay. Browsers and devices browsing the web are not following any versioning. If you ever thought "hmm, that's odd" when writing CSS, you will enjoy this list of "official" CSS design mistakes.

Learn about CSS design mistakes

The language we use matters

Language is ever-changing, so eliminating ableism from your vocabulary will be an ongoing process rather than a static victory. You may stumble, but checking in with disabled people is an effective way to find your footing and continuing to build a more inclusive vocabulary.

The way we speak and the words we use do not only directly impact others but also how we think. The BBC published an eye-opening article on ableist language and its effects.

Discover ableist language

Nerdy emoji details

I thought it might be fun sharing a few nitty-gritty details of how this “biggest innovation in human communication since the invention of the letter 🅰️” works under the hood.

There's nothing better than a well-written article about Unicode. Nikita Prokopov explains nitty-gritty emoji details. Highly recommended!

Learn how emojis work

A newsletter about accessibility

Add punctuation to you your alt text

I found about Chris Ashton's accessibility newsletter "frequent11y" and subscribed right away. I learned quite a lot from his last edition.

Read the last weekly edition

Colorful checkboxes/radios are on their way

A purple radio and checkbox input

"On brand" form controls are important to many people. While I think it's not a big deal when checkboxes are not matching the website style guide, I implemented many custom controls for precisely that reason. Luckily, there's a new CSS property (accent-color) on the horizon. It defines the highlight color of radios and checkboxes. 🎉

Learn more about accent-color

The beauty of evergreen resources

Timeless Web Dev Articles

Many web development articles become irrelevant quickly, but occasionally there are some evergreen gems. It's a valuable habit to bookmark these articles (find my favorites online). I came across Chris Coyier's list of timeless articles, and it's worth a look (and bookmark).

Discover timeless articles

The difficulties of finding the right job

That's where our story starts. This post will include lessons I learned as a job seeker. As well as patterns I hope companies will address.

Finding a job that fits is difficult. Interviews are stressful and not always fair. Laurie Barth describes her experience of looking for her next opportunity (she ended up at Netflix). Her article includes valuable insights for interviewees but also hiring managers like myself.

Read Laurie's lessons learned

Reader shout out 💙

Three avatars with the word Thank you below

Chris Ashton, Wojtek Jeremy Połowniak and @antodev89 not only shared my newsletter on social media, but they also agreed to be quoted on my site. Thank you so much, friends!

A new Tiny Helper

Cumulative Layout Shift Debugger

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is one of Google Web Vitals metrics. The CLS debugger visualizes a website's layout shifts to make debugging easier.

Debug CLS

Find more single-purpose online tools on

Three useful projects to have a look at

A quote to think about

This week's quote comes from Mattias Ott. He shared his thoughts on personal websites. There's no right or wrong, good or bad... your website belongs to you, and you can do whatever you want with it.

A personal website ain't got no wrong words.

A song that makes you stop coding

Marbert Rocel - Catch a bird cover

This week's song is another festival memory. 🙈

Years ago, I was at the German Fusion festival. It was a bright and sunny morning. The dance floors were still full, and people tried to decide if they should continue dancing or instead get some rest after a magical sleepless night.

Marbert Rocel entered the stage, and their funky and fun beats became my soundtrack of this festival. So good!

Listen to "Mr. Beat"

Thank you for reading!

And that's a wrap for the sixteenth Web Weekly! If you enjoy my newsletter, I'd love you to tell others about it. ♥️

If you're not a subscriber, you can change that! 😉

Stay safe, and I'll talk to you next week! 🎉 👋

PS. I heard the cool kids use RSS. You can find multiple feeds on my site.

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Stefan standing in the park in front of a green background

About Stefan Judis

Frontend nerd with over ten years of experience, freelance dev, "Today I Learned" blogger, conference speaker, and Open Source maintainer.

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