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Hello everybody! đź‘‹

Oh wow – time flies... This month I visited Kiev to speak at the JavaScript Framework days, and I had such a great time. I presented a new talk about HTTP headers. I was very nervous about it, but everything went smoothly. 🎉

I hope you had a great month, too. And with that let's dive into my favorite content of March!

Do we need our mobile phones with us all the time?

I'm trying to change my phone habits for quite a while already. It is way harder than I first thought. I find myself cheating very often.

The article "The Simple Joy of “No Phones Allowed”" shares the experience of going to a concert which forbids phones. This limitation sounds very unusual and also a bit drastic. I do believe though that we're not living in the moment enough these days. Phones play a crucial role in that, but maybe... just maybe, we're on our way into a future including more quality time without being surrounded by glowing screens. 🤞

Useful resources

If you’re looking for image, video or graphic resources to reuse in articles or slides, have a look at UnDeck. It is a nice collection of mainly free and ready to use media. 🎉

This month I learned

Package.json values are accessible in npm/yarn scripts

I learned that you could reuse values defined in your package.json when you define npm/yarn scripts. Very handy!

Fast-forward deletion on MacOS

I learned a few nifty keyboard shortcuts that can speed up flows for back and forward deletion. Quick and incredibly useful! 🎉

A deep-dive into promise resolution with objects including a then property

Promises are one of the cores principles in JavaScript these days. A few tweets describing promise tricks brought me once again into reading the ECMAScript spec. And oh well... I feel like I never really understood how promise resolution really works and which role then actually plays.

The technical read(s) of the month

With the depressing WebAIM accessibility report 2019, it feels like the web development industry is not getting better on building an accessible and inclusive web. In the same time, browsers implement more and more built-in components. These components should make it easier to develop good UI. Unfortunately, the state of, e.g. date input fields or the native dialog element is not looking great.

Building accessible UI will continue to be a hard task.

The talk of the month

I keep reading about human behavior and leadership. Not because I want to be a manager but rather to get better with friends, family, and colleagues. Kim Scott gave a very nice talk on leadership. The talk provides useful advice on interactions with the people around us.

A quote to think about

Many of us have these quick project ideas, that could change the world. We're very excited about them for a day, but then, we don't come further than a GitHub repository including an “initial commit”.

Kelly Vaughn's tweet made me smile.

My github account is full of empty repositories with good intentions.

A song that makes you stop working

German indie music was what I was into ten years ago. I went to see one of my all-time favorite bands – Kettcar – and it was fantastic. The line "Irgendwann ist irgendwie ein anderes Wort für nie" (someday is only a different word for never) in the song Benzin and Kartoffelchips is an epic song line. Loved it!


And that's it for the beginning of April. Talk to you in 26 days! đź‘‹

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About Stefan Judis

Frontend nerd with over ten years of experience, freelance dev, "Today I Learned" blogger, conference speaker, and Open Source maintainer.

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