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Hello everybody,

this month was hectic because I was heads-down recording a GraphQL video course for Contentful. Luckily this is now done, and I'm ready to catch up writing and I am already excited about August!

Let's jump into my favorite content of July!

Landing pages done right

Rob Hope shared 100 tips on how to build high-quality landing pages. While this seems to be a very marketing-related topic (and it undoubtedly is), his Twitter thread includes a lot of wisdom on building great websites in general.

The problem with deploying to the web

Jake Archibald went deep down the rabbit hole of what deploys and version updates mean for our users. His article "Different versions of your site can be running at the same time" describes the problems of updated bundles, changed API endpoints, and users that have one site open in multiple tabs (and we all do that...). Great read!

Three excellent articles to read

Three useful projects to have a look at

This month I learned

You can find 126 learnings in the "Today I learned" section on my site.

This month's devsheets

You can find more #devsheets on Twitter.

A talk to watch

For the VSCode users under us – Matt Bierner shared a lot of VSCode tricks in his MS Build session "Visual Studio Code tips and tricks". That's a well-spent hour, trust me!

Visual studio tricks talk cover

A quote to think about

The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free

Nathan J. Robinson wrote a lengthy article on the problems of content creation and its monetization. It's a good read with an exceptional good title, that made it my quote of the month.

A song that makes you stop coding

I came across this song on Twitter, and while I'm not really into Taylor Swift, I do like Bon Iver a lot. "exile" is a beautiful song with a fantastic hook line and beautiful piano tunes.

exile Taylor swift cover

And that's my favorite content of July 2020, friends! πŸŽ‰ πŸ‘‹

Have a great August, and stay safe!

And if you have any feedback about this newsletter, please let me know.

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About Stefan Judis

Frontend nerd with over ten years of experience, freelance dev, "Today I Learned" blogger, conference speaker, and Open Source maintainer.

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