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Heyooo, I'm Stefan! I write and speak about web stuff.
New on the blog
Query the Web Platform Dashboard API to track baseline features.
The new
attribute for HTML dialog elements introduces standardized close behaviors across devices, but comes with potential risks of using back gestures to dismiss dialogs.The JavaScript parseInt method parses any value starting with a number and ignores invalid characters.
TypeScript strictFunctionTypes only works for the function syntax and is ignored for the method syntax.
Learn how to use the 'r' command to quickly rerun previous shell commands in your terminal.
Most popular in the last 30 days
- Web Weekly #153
- How to import JSON files in ES modules (Node.js)
- Why I don't need to clean up my desktop and downloads folder in macOS
- APIs to generate random user avatars
- How to style element descendants with Tailwind CSS
Hacker News Hits
- HTTP headers for the responsible developer 887 upvotes and 98 comments
- A Firefox-only minimap (2021) 699 upvotes and 113 comments
- Git commit accepts several message flags (-m) to allow multiline commits 339 upvotes and 152 comments
- How to force yourself to leave the computer using the leave command 77 upvotes and 32 comments
- Say goodbye to resource-caching across sites and domains 74 upvotes and 79 comments